New Golden Route


Nozawa Onsen Fire Festival

Iiyama Sta.

Nozawa Onsen Village, Nagano Pref.

Nozawa Onsen Fire Festival

On January 15th of each year, Nozawa Onsen (Hot Spring) village celebrates the one of Japan's 3 Greatest Fire Festivals. 25 and 42-year-old men in the village must protect a wooden shrine from attackers with fiery torches. The festival ends as the shrine is engulfed in flames.

  • 25 min. from Iiyama Sta. by Bus
    20 min. from Togarinozawaonsen Sta. by Car
  • +81-269-85-3166
  • Nozawa Onsen Village, Nagano
  • Website

Travel Pass

36.923086, 138.443409

  • Access
  • Tel No.
  • Address
  • Hours
  • Closed
  • Fee / Price

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