New Golden Route


Rurikei Prefectural Natural Park

Kyoto Sta.

Nantan City, Kyoto

Rurikei Prefectural Natural Park

An attractive spot for viewing the beautiful scenery throughout the seasons. Enjoy a pleasant trek along the 4-km boardwalk through the gorge.

  • Take the Nantan City Bus from JR Sonobe Sta. to Hata. Transfer to the bus bound for Rurikei. Walk 1 min.
  • +81-771-68-0050 (Nantan City Sightseeing Exchange Room)
  • Okawauchi, Sonobe-cho, Nantan City
  • Free admission
  • Website

35.03200023405285, 135.4024460284847

  • Access
  • Tel No.
  • Address
  • Hours
  • Closed
  • Fee / Price

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