New Golden Route


Kutani-yaki Art Museum

Kagaonsen Sta.

Kaga City, Ishikawa Pref.

Kutani-yaki Art Museum

This museum houses and exhibits masterpieces of Kutani Ware, which has a history of 360 years. There are divergent exhibition spaces that contain a display of Kutani Ware, whose patterns vary with the times.

  • 12 min. from JR Kagaonsen Sta. to Daijoji Sta. by train / 8 min. walk
  • +81-761-72-7466
  • 1-10-13 Daijojijikatamachi, Kaga City, Ishikawa
  • 9:00-17:00 (last entry at 16:30)
  • Mon.
  • 560 yen (280 yen for seniors; free for high school students and below)
  • Website

36.30266595082011, 136.3102579144626

  • Access
  • Tel No.
  • Address
  • Hours
  • Closed
  • Fee / Price

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